Thoughts: The Tyranny of Control

I have, no name
3 min readAug 23, 2021

This is just going to drown in my sea of notes and journaling so I’m gonna have it here. For some reason though, I really don’t forget these things. They are continuously simmering at the back of my mind, continuously evolving in the presence of new information. It’s the life bits, the emotions I had that I tend to forget. Maybe, that’s what I should document? Hmm. Attention, attention, where do I focus ya? I’m so afraid of missing out on something that I tend to focus on nothing at all. When would I learn?

Economic freedom produces human freedom

This thought isn’t new to me. I’ve been encountering this from bright fellow psych students who are so huge into capitalism, western philosophy and the like. It’s not that it’s wrong. I just don’t think it’s truly addressing the root of the issue. Heh.

My tendency to jump to conclusion, enters as I exclaim, “I already get the answer!” But do I, really? Let’s continue this train of thought.

It’s true that economic freedom allows us to focus on other things. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It allows us to philosophize what “human freedom” truly entails when we can’t even brush our hair when we’re dirt poor.

Honestly, writing slows down my train of thought -_- It’s mimicry. IT FEELS FALSE. A deception on CLARITY OF THOUGHT.

The real question here is…

How do we even reach economic freedom?

Do we really have to stall being free as a human to clear off being free financially first? Is it really the only way?

What is economic freedom, anyways?

Thing is, I’m better off answering this with questions. LOL

Free trade; should markets not be controlled by government at all?

I don’t have my own business so I see no worth and have no credentials in answering this whatsoever.

Personally though, I had this thought that made me realize how fucked of a race we are. (Sorry, academic writing, you bore the shit out of me. Bye, you’re not for me!) Now, I kinda get Chinese politics (I fuckin’ hate the westernization of this but I can’t find the right words) and earlier empires idea of “Mandate of Heaven”. I believe this was all a metaphor that was just botched by the unthinking masses of the past and the present and the ever egomaniacal white-centric education curriculum. Somehow, the separation of the church and the government looks painful now. We look down on the past for being so behind but actually there are nuggets of gold to be found that we’re just too arrogant to see. A lot of tweaks to be made, yes. But sometimes, it’s not a complete overhaul that’s necessary. Sometimes, it only requires us to turn something on its side to see the answer. Okay, here I go again.

I honestly don’t want to think about this because it’s just so fuckin’ abysmal. We’re all just so shit at choosing our leaders and governing our countries. Like wow, poor human race. No wonder, I don’t care about politics at all. It’s just so idiotic, such a waste of time! Though, me being me, the challenge excites me as well. I’m no longer that youth that thirsts for immediate satisfaction, sadly. The long wait is now A BIT enticing to me. Your tita’s feet are now sufficiently grounded. Hello stars, your babe’s warming up on earth now. ^_^

